Enrolling Competitors
Competitors in a Match must be selected from the Membership Database.
To some statisticians, the order in which people are registered for the Match is significant. For example, they shoot in competitor number order.
The Competitor Administration window has two tabs: Competitor and Competitor List.
Competitor Tab
The Competitor tab contains the fields to choose the competitors for a Match, and to define Match specific information about each one, including Division, Category, Squad, Team, Tag, etc. Teams and Tags are created in separate windows. The Competitor tab also contains the fields to disqualify a competitor.
Remember: Competitors must have a valid IPSC Alias and the Submit to ICS check-box checked, in order to have their scores applied to the International Classification System (ICS).
To select a competitor for a Match:
1. | Make sure the Match you want to add the competitor to is selected in the Match Administration window. |
2. | Click Competitors. |
3. | Click New. |
4. | Select the member you want to add as a competitor. You can do this in 1 of 3 ways: |
i) | Type the member's name into the Family and Given Name fields. The Membership Database grid, immediately below these fields, scrolls to the closest matching name. Click on the Select button when the correct member appears in the grid with an arrow beside them, to make that member a competitor. |
ii) | Type the member's IPSC Alias into the corresponding field. The Membership Database grid, immediately below these fields, scrolls to the closest matching IPSC Alias. Click on the Select button when the correct member appears in the grid with an arrow beside them, to make that member a competitor. |
iii) | Scroll through the Membership Database until you locate the member you want. Click on that member's grid entry, to place an arrow beside them. Then click on the Select button, to make that member a competitor. |
5. | Enter the other information for the competitor in the remaining fields. The Division field is required. You can define default values for the Division, Submit to ICS, and Power Factor fields in the WinMSS Settings window. |
• | If you have erroneously added the competitor to a Team, you can remove them by tabbing to the Team field so that it is highlighted, and then press the ESC key. |
• | If you have erroneously associated a competitor to a Tag, you can remove them by tabbing to the Tag field so that it is highlighted, and then press the ESC key. |
• | You can add a competitor to a Squad by selecting the Squad's number in the Squad # field. The Number of Squads that are available is determined by the entry in the Number of Squads field on the Match Administration window. |
6. Click Apply.
Tip: When you are updating a competitor list, you can press Page Up or Page Down to scroll through the competitors in the Competitor List.
Remember: To compete in a Match, a member must be a member of the IPSC Region where they reside. To be considered a resident of a particular Region, the person must be domiciled there for a minimum of 183 days of the 12 months immediately preceding the month in which a competition begins. Refer to current "IPSC Shooting Principles and Rules" for further information regarding IPSC competitor status and credentials. Also, remember that a single Team can contain a maximum of 4 competitors and all Team members must compete in the same Division and belong to the same Category.
Competitor List Tab
The Competitor List tab allows you to easily locate a competitor and open their record.
Tip: Double-click a competitor entry to open their record in the Competitor tab
Searching for a Database Record
Competitor Labels
From either tab on the Competitor Administration window you can print Competitor labels.