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Classification Scores Submission

Classification Scores Submission

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Classification Scores Submission

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To send information by email to IPSC headquarters:

1.Click Reporting on either the WinMSS main window toolbar, or on the Match Administration toolbar. The Reporting window opens.
2.Select the Match you want to send information from in the Match Name field.
3.Select Internet > Email Classifications Update.  The Classification Update Enrollment Verification window opens.
4.Verify that the ICS enrollment is correct.  You may enroll all competitors that have an IPSC Alias by clicking on the "Set all to Yes button".  You may toggle a competitors enrollment by changing their Submit value from Yes to No, or from No to Yes.
5.Click on the OK button to continue.  The Email Update to ICS (International Classification System) window opens.
6.Complete the payment information fields, in the Credit Card box.
7.Enter the amount of the Sanction Match Fee into the Sanction Match fee field. This fee is in US dollars.
8.Click OK, to complete the process.


Tip: To submit a competitor to ICS the "Submit to ICS" check-box on the Competitor Administration window must be checked.