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Batch Files

Batch Files

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Batch Files

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Two useful batch files are located in the WinMSS application folder and shortcuts to them have been conveniently placed in your WinMSS, Start Menu folder.  They are:


About WinMSS - Opens a window that displays the following information: application and database version numbers; detected operating system; system statistics; copyright notice; and, software support contact.


Compact and Repair WinMSS Database - Compacts and optimizes the WinMSS database. The WinMSS developers recommend you back-up the database before you run this batch file, and they recommend that you run this batch file periodically to reduce the size of the database and improve performance. You must exit WinMSS before you run this batch file.


When you run Compact and Repair WinMSS Database, the following screen appears:




Press any key to continue... as instructed, to proceed with the operation.  If the database is in use (WinMSS is running) a message box appears and you will not be able continue.



WinMSS Database